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2010-10-12 11:53:55|  分类: 译园酱菜坛子 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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       有一天看到一篇小说翻译,把“全职丈夫”译成full-time husband 。
我想,所谓“全职丈夫”就是整天呆在家里做家务,妻子在外面赚钱的那种,好像有个新词叫“家庭主男”。我突发奇想,既然有housewife, 是否可以造一个house-husband呢。


House-husband 家庭主男

Would you like to be a house-husband if your wife earns more?

 Helen: 大家好,欢迎收听BBC 的地道英语, 我是Helen。

 Neil: And I'm Neil. In Real English we look at words and expressions you might not find in your dictionary. Today's expression is house-husband. (我叫Neil。在地道英语中,我们会看看那些在词典中可能找不到的单词语和用语。今天的用语为House-husband。)
       Helen: 这两个词都不难,house 房子,还有 husband 丈夫,先生. 这两词联在一起是什么意思呢?
       Neil: Well a house-husband is a man who stays at home and doesn't go to work, while his wife goes to work and earns money. It's based on the phrase housewife. (因为Helen有解释,以下Neil的解释略去不译)
       Helen: A housewife 家庭主妇, 那么 a house-husband 就是正好相反的,丈夫在家,妻子在外工作赚钱。那他在家干嘛呢?
       Neil: Well, usually a man becomes a house-husband in order to look after children.
       Helen: Ah, 在家看孩子。
       Neil: That could be because his wife earns more than him.
       Helen: 妻子的工资比丈夫要高。
       Neil: Or it might just be that he'd rather be a house-husband and look after the children and she would rather go to work.
       Helen: 这也是双方达成的协议- 男的喜欢带孩子,而太太喜欢上班打工。
       Neil: Some men might feel embarrassed at being a house- husband, but it's getting more common.
       Helen: 有些男人一开始可能还觉得当家庭主男不好意思, 不过现在这种情况越来越普遍了。
       A: Will you go back to work after you have the baby?
       B: Oh yeah!
       A: Who'll look after the baby when you're at work then?
       B: My husband – he’s going to quit his job and become a house husband. I earn more than him, so it makes sense really. And he loves kids, so he’ll enjoy it.
       Helen: 让我们复习一下,今天我们学到的新表达是,
       Neil: House-husband.
       Helen: 也就是家庭主男, 模范丈夫。 
       Neil: We’ve run out of time now.
       Helen: 我们下次节目再见!
       Neil: Bye!
       Helen: Bye Bye.

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